Your Mac’s temperature should remain within 30-50 degrees in a normal mode and 50-70 degrees when the fan is working. You can do this with the help of third-party applications, like iStat Menus.

If your MacBook fan is too loud, you should check the temperature sensors.

Usually, your Mac makes noise when you restart it or when a large number of applications are running on your system at the same time. In most cases, a MacBook fan is loud when your computer is overheating. Making it run your tasks slower as a result.Why is the MacBook Air (Pro) fan so loud? However, the lowering of the frequency also lowers the performance capabilities of the CPU. This lowering of frequency allows the CPU to run less power and in turn run cooler thus lowing the operating temperature. If a CPU starts to run at too high of an operating temperature, it will have to throttle its frequency to a lower setting. That being said, even Apple is a prisoner to the hardware specs. It ensures that your Mac being a MacBook, MacBook Pro or even a Mac Pro can function with decent capabilities while maintaining stability and safe operating temperatures.

As mentioned, Apple does its homework when it comes to what fans should run at what speeds for the amount of heat and power being produced and used.

If you are one to leave well enough alone, then this is not something you'd want to delve in to.